Articles, Patents, Preprints, Reviews, Book Chapters
47) NQO1-responsive Prodrug for in Cellulo Release of Cytochalasin B as Cancer Cell-targeted Migrastatic, M. D. Kagho, K. Schmidt, C. Lambert, L. Jia, L. Mehr, K. Rottner, M. Stadler, T. Stradal,* P. Klahn*, Small 2025, 2410861.
46) Synthesis and evaluation of pseudoglucosinolates (psGSLs) releasing isothiocyanates (ITCs) in the presence of azoreductases, A. Chakrabarti, C. S. G. Ganskow, M. D. Kagho, C.. C. Jimidar, L. Wiese, N. Beyazit, U. Beutling, M. Seeger, S. Smits, S. Nyström, A. Farewell, A. Schallmey, M. Brönstrup, P. Klahn*, ChemRxiv 2025, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2025-6xhv5.
45) MAIT cells protect in severe pneumococcal pneumonia by regulating neutrophil/macrophage antimicrobial activities, E. Barsac, L. Gonzalez, G. Ilango, A. Hankard, Y. Jouan, R. Lemoine, V. Minhas, M. Lenain, M. Benard, M. Fernandez, A. Gaudio, M. Si-Tahar, A. Guillon, T. Mallevaey, C. S. G. Ganskow, P. Klahn, J.-W. Veening, M. Salou, O. Lantz, T. Baranek, C. Paget, bioRxiv 2025, DOI: 10.1101/2025.02.07.637027.
44) How should we teach medicinal chemistry in higher education to prepare students for a future career as medicinal chemists and drug designers? – A teacher’s perspective, P. Klahn, ChemMedChem, 2025, 20, e202400791.
43) Synthesis of N2-Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles, K. A. Kunz, B. L. Springer, P. Klahn, H. Aldemir, F. Mohr, S. F. Kirsch*, Org Lett. 2024, 26, 8816.
42) Comprehensive cell biological investigation of cytochalasin B derivatives with distinct activities on the actin network, M. D. Kagho, K.Schmidt, C. Lambert, T. Kaufmann, L. Jia, J. Faix, K. Rottner, M. Stadler, T. Stradal,* P. Klahn*, J. Nat. Prod. 2024, 87, 2421.
41) Bioresponsive pseudoGlucosinolates (psGSLs) release Isothiocyanates (ITCs) in the Presence of Nitroreductases, C. C. Jimidar, C. S. G. Ganskow, M. D. Kagho, A. Chakrabarti, L. Wiese, M. Zollo, U. Beutling, L. C. Cesar, J. Morud, M. Brönstrup, S. A. Sieber, S. M. Hacker, P. Klahn*, ChemRxiv 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-f8x8z.
40) Biocatalytic Ether Lipid Synthesis by an Archaeal Glycerolprenylase, F. Kaspar,* L. Eilert, S. Staar, S. W. Oung, M. Wolter, C. S. G. Ganskow, S. Kemper, P. Klahn, C. R. Jacob, W. Blankenfeldt, A. Schallmey,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202412597.
39) Biotransformation-coupled mutasynthesis for the generation of novel pristinamycin derivatives by engineering the phenylglycine residue, O. Hennrich, L. Weinmann, A. Kulik, K. Harms, P. Klahn, J.-W. Youn, F. Surup, Y. Mast , RCS Chem. Biol. 2023, 4, 1050-1063.
38) Functional connectivity alterations of the somatomotor network in euthymic bipolar disorder, A. L. Klahn*, W. H. Thompson, C. Abé, B. Liberg, C. M. Sellgren, P. Klahn, M. Landén, Neuroscience Applied, 2023, 2, 101139.
37) Discovery of Aminoratjadone Derivatives as Potent Noncovalent CRM1 Inhibitors, L. Jian, R. Zscherp, U. Beutling, X. Shen, S. Xu, X. Zhang, M. Brönstrup,* P. Klahn,* Q. Sun,* J. Med. Chem. 2023, 66, 11940–11950.
36) Design of non-cytotoxic 6,7-dihydrocoumarin-5-carboxylates with antibiofilm activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans, R. Zscherp, A. Chakrabarti, A. P. Lehmann, H. Schrey, H. Zeng, W. Collisi, M. Stadler, P. Klahn,* Org. Biomol. Chem. 2023, 21, 4744.
35) Artificial Fluorescent Glucosinolates (F-GSLs) Are Transported by the Glucosinolate Transporters GTR1/2/3, C. Kanstrup, C. C. Jimidar, J. Tomas, G. Cutolo, C. Crocoll, M. Schuler, P. Klahn, A. Tatibouët, H. H. Nour-Eldin, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 920.
34) Novel derivatives of Griselimycin and their use as antimycobacterial agents, P. Klahn, E. Ghabraie, R. Zscherp, R. Müller, A. H. K. Hirsch, J. Herrmann, W. A. M. Elgaher, P. Lukat, S. Rasheed, W. Blankenfeldt, N. Reiling A. Kany, 15.11.2022, EP22 207 585.5.
33) Evaluation of diamond electrodes as biosensor for antibody-based detection of proteins with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, M. Menzler, C. S. G. Ganskow, M. Ruschig, E. Moustafa, V. Sittinger, K. Lachmann, E. V. Wenzel, G. Russo, P. Klahn, J. Gäbler, C - J. Carbon Res. 2022, 8, 74.
32) Synthesis of an Antimicrobial Enterobactin-Muraymycin Conjugate for Improved Activity against Gram-negative Bacteria, C. Rohrbacher, R. Zscherp, S. C. Weck, C. Ducho*, P. Klahn*, Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202202408. Highlighted in Synfacts 2023, 19, 0303.
31) Alternative Assay Reagents for UV-Spectroscopic Detection of (Pyro-)Phosphate with the PUB Module, F. Kaspar, C. S. G. Ganskow, L. Eilert, P. Klahn, A. Schallmey, Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 8132.
30) Advances in the synthesis of enterobactin, artificial analogues and enterobactin-derived antimicrobial drug conjugates and imaging tools for infection diagnosis, P. Klahn*, R. Zscherp, C. C. Jimidar, Synthesis 2022, 54, 3499.
29) Masked amino trimethyl lock (H2N-TML) systems: new molecular entities for the development of turn-on fluorophores and their application in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) imaging in human cells, C. C. Jimidar, J. Grunenberg, B. Karge, H. L. S. Fuchs, M. Brönstrup, P. Klahn*, Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 28, e202103525.
28) Total Synthesis, Assingment of the Relative Configuration and Biological Evaluation of the Nitraria Alkaloid Nitrabirine, M. D. Kagho*, H. Hintersatz, A. Ihle, W. Colisi, H. Zeng, H. Schrey, P. Klahn*, M. Stadler, T. Rüffer, C. Bruhns, H. Lang, K. Banert*, J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 21, 14903–14914.
26) Enzyme-responsive nanoparticles and coatings made from alginate/peptide ciprofloxacin conjugates as drug release system, Y. Bourgat, C. Mikolai, M. Stiesch, P. Klahn, H. Menzel*, Antibiotics 2021, 10, 653.
25) Cannabinoids - Promising antimicrobial drugs or intoxicants with benefits? P. Klahn, Antibiotics 2020, 9, 297.
24) „Junge BWG“ - Bericht zu den Aktivitäten in 2020, J. Bahnemann, P. Klahn, Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2020, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2021, ISBN 978-3-7369-7423-4, 123-126.
23) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Big Data in der Forschung – Aktuelle Perspektiven, A. Waszynski, J. Bahnemann, S. Castillo, P. Klahn, P. Otto und M. Ulmer, Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2020, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2021, ISBN 978-3-7369-7423-4, 127-131.
22) Labyrinthopeptins exert broad-spectrum antiviral activity through lipid-binding-mediated virolysis, H. Prochnow, K. Rox, N. V. S. Birudukota, L. Weichert, S.-K. Hotop, P. Klahn, K. Mohr, S.j Franz, D. Banda, S. Blockus, J. Schreiber, S. Haid, M. Oeyen, J. Martinez, R. Süssmuth, J. Wink, A. Meyerhans, C. Goffinet, M. Messerle, T. Schulz, A. Kröger, D. Schols, T. Pietschmann, M. Brönstrup, J. Virology 2019, 94, e01471-19.
21) The Nuclear Export Inhibitor Aminoratjadone is a Potent Effector in Extracellular-Targeted Drug Conjugates, P. Klahn*, V. Fetz, A. Ritter, W. Collisi, B. Hinkelmann, T. Arnold, W. Tegge, K. Rox, S. Hüttel, K. I. Mohr, J. Wink, M. Stadler, J. Wissings, L. Jänsch, M. Brönstrup*, Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 5197-5210.
20) Synthesis and biochemical evaluation of artificial, fluorescent glucosinolates (GSLs), C. P. Glindemann, A. Backenköhler, M. Strieker, U. Wittstock, P. Klahn*, ChemBioChem 2019, 20, 2341-2345.
19) New targeted cytotoxic Ratjadone derivatives and conjugates thereof, P. Klahn, M. Brönstrup, V. Fetz, S. Hüttel, K. I. Mohr, W. Tegge, W. Collisi, 2019, WO2019/03028431 A1.
18) Trimethyl Lock ‐ A Multifunctional Molecular Tool for Drug Delivery, Cellular Imaging and Stimuli‐responsive Materials, O. Adeyi Okoh, P. Klahn*, ChemBioChem 2018, 19, 1668-1694.
17) Leitfaden durch Experimente - Theorie und Praxis gut verknüpft, C. Glindemann, P. Klahn*, Nachrichten der Chemie 2018, 5, 556. Book Review: Multi-Step Organic Synthesis, N. R. Moumné, Wiley-VCH Weinheim, 2017.
16) Bifunctional antimicrobial conjugates and hybrid antimicrobials, P. Klahn, M. Brönstrup, Nat. Prod. Rep. 2017, 34, 832-885.
15) New structural templates for clinically validated and novel targets in antimicrobial drug research and development, P. Klahn, M. Brönstrup, Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 2016, 365-417. (additionally published in: How to Overcome the Antibiotic Crisis: Facts, Challenges, Technologies and Future Perspectives, Eds. M. Stadler, P. Dersch, Springer Verlag, 2016.)
14) Abscisic Acid: a phytohormone and mammalian cytokine as novel pharmacon with potential for future development into clinical applications, P. Sakthivel, N. Sharma, P. Klahn, M. Gereke, D. Bruder, Curr. Med. Chem. 2016, 23, 1549-1570.
13) Synthesis and biological evaluation of natural and designed tubulysines, K. C. Nicolaou, J. Yin, D. Mandal, R. D. Erande, P. Klahn, J. Yin, M. Aujay, J. Sandoval, J. Gavrilyuk, D. Vourloumis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 1698-1708.
12) Deacetoxy tubulysine H and analogs thereof, K. C. Nicolaou, D. Mandal, P. Klahn, J. Yin, D. Vourloumis, 2016, WO2016/138288 A1.
11) Gold(I)-catalyzed heterocyclization of beta-alkynyl hydroxamic acids: Synthesis of isooxazolidin-3-ones, A. P. Häring, P. Klahn, M. Jübermann, F. Mohr, S. F. Kirsch, Monatshefte Chemie 2015, 146, 199.
10) The Synthesis of alpha-Azidoesters and geminal Triazides, P. Klahn, S. F. Kirsch, H. Erhardt, A. F. Kotthaus, Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 2014, 53, 7913-7917; Über die Synthese von alpha-Azidoestern und geminalen Triaziden, P. Klahn, S. F. Kirsch, H. Erhardt, A. F. Kotthaus, Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 8047-8051. (most accessed article 06/2014, highlighted in SYNSTORIES 2014/11, A147.)
9) Entwicklung neuer stereo-, regio- und chemoselektiver Methoden zur Synthese von bizyklischen Verbindungen, Heterozyklen und Aziden sowie deren Anwendung in der Totalsynthese, P. Klahn, Dissertation Bergische Universität Wuppertal 2014, Dr. Hut Verlag, München, 476 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-8439-1744-5. (Dissertation)
8) IBX-mediated dehydrogenation of substituted beta-oxonitrils, P. Klahn, S. F. Kirsch, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 15, 3149-3155.
7) Total Synthesis of (+)-Cyperolone, P. Klahn, A. Duschek, C. Liebert, S. F. Kirsch, Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 1250-1253. ( highlighted in Synfacts 2012, 8, 479 and Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 3181-3198.)
6) Practical Azidation of 1,3-Dicarbonyls, T. Harschneck, S. Hummel, S. F. Kirsch, P. Klahn, Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 1178-1193. ( highlighted in Cheminform 2012, 43, 5.)
5) Book Review: Innovative Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, Ed. Pher. G. Anderson, Wiley-VCH, 2012, P. Klahn, S. F. Kirsch, Nachrichten der Chemie 2013, 7/8, 805.
4) Electronic Fine-Tuning of Carbene Ligands and its Impact on Gold Catalysis, P. Klahn, S. F. Kirsch, ChemCatChem 2011, 3, 649-652.
3) The Use of COP-OAc in the Catalyst-controlled Synthesis of 1,3-Polyols, S. F. Kirsch, P. Klahn, H. Menz, Synthesis 2011, 3592-3603.
2) Thienopyrimidines as beta-3-adrenoreceptor agonists: Hit to lead optimization, S Tasler, R. Baumgartner, A. Ammendola, J. Schachtner, T. Wieber, M. Blisse, S. Rath, M. Zaja, P. Klahn, U. Quotschalla, P. Ney, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20, 6180-6115.
1) Gold-catalyzed reactivity of 3-silyloxy-1,5-enynes: a synthetic tool for the synthesis of complex structures and its limitations, H. Menz, J. T. Binder, B. Crone, A. Duschek, T. T. Haug, S. F. Kirsch, P. Klahn, C. Liebert, Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 9, 1880-1888.
University of Gothenburg
Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology
Division of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinaregatan 7B, Floor 6, Room 6155
413 90 Göteborg, Sweden
Associate Professor
Dr. Philipp Klahn
Mobile: +46 76 618 39 14
Phone: +46 31 786 39 14